Tag Archives: new year resoultion

New Year Resolutions

It is like turning one page regardless how much you have read but still you didn`t miss the point of the story – of life.

new year resolution

This year is also a turning point in my life and I can feel that 2013 is a year of new opportunities, new jobs, new friends, new destinations… In 2012 I had to learn the hard way but still I had a great time, I even did a couple of things that I have planned for years! Well, I started my blog that you all like to visit, and I am so thankful, because it would be sad that I am writing just for myself. I finished my first trekk-run and I did a couple of more races that I didn`t plan. I ran 10 km! I have climb Sljeme – in this year more than in a whole life! I was in Morocco. I have started my new project – EkoMreza. Yes, in 2012 I have done so much. Plans for 2013 are different and I don`t expect anything. I plan to await to see what will happen and where the life road will take me.
I wish to you everything best in 2013 and I hope that all your dream will come true.

If you can dream it, you can do it!